From the main navigation menu to the left, go to Settings > Organization.
(Edit Organization): view basic Organization information and configure basic Organization Issue and Team settings. Chat with support agents or Bots in Public Chat.
(Teams): view, add, and edit Teams associated with your Organization.
(Users): view, add, and edit Users assigned to your Organization's Teams.
(Customers): view, add, and edit Customers associated with your Organization.
(Issues): view and filter current and past Issues associated with your Organization.
(Checklists): view, add, and edit Issue checklists.
(Technology Templates): view, add, and edit templates for the devices and software associated with your Organization.
(Bots): view, add, and edit Bots mapped to your Organization and its Teams.
(Files): set an avatar for your Organization.
(Banners): create banners that can be assigned to your Teams' webConnect chatrooms.
(Canned Responses): view, add, and edit your Organization’s Canned Responses.
(Alert Templates): create templates for Organization alerts and notifications. Use Default Alert Templates or make your own Custom Alert Templates.
(Notification Logs): view the history of notifications and alerts for your Organization.
(Profile Matrix): set up Organization-wide monitoring rules that are used for all Customer Locations with a Relay Proactive device deployed.
(Additional Settings): configure the following:
- Text Redaction: redact sensitive information in customer conversations and transcripts.
- Max Open Tickets per User: limit the number of simultaneous open tickets for agents.
- Password Policy: select the level of password security based on the needs of your Organization.
- Inbox Settings: select the sorting mechanism for your Inbox Issues and customize the information displayed on your Issue cards.
General Icons
: switch between minimized Orgs modals. Press Shift and click on the name of the minimized record in the dropdown to remove it from the open modals list:
: open/close the Organization public chat.
: close an Org modal.
: minimize an Org modal.