Understand the Customers section

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

Navigate to the Customers section on the Relay left navigation panel. NOTE: some of the functionality described below is only accessible to users with Group Admin permissions. Refer to the articles on each sub-section to learn more.

Relay Customers Profile 1

  • Profiles: a comprehensive view of each Customer (also known as merchant or member) for easy monitoring of Customer activity, payments, and Issues. Each Profile includes Customer Info, Issues, Locations, Technology, Users, Payments etc.

Relay Customer Profile 5

  • Locations: a record of Customer Locations. Each Location record includes comprehensive information on Location Technology, Issues, Network, Compliance etc. It also includes a Public Chat for each Location. A Customer may have multiple Locations.

Relay Customer Profile 4

  • Users: a record of Users (persons) associated with Customers. Each User record includes information on their Customer and Technology associations, and an option to configure notification settings for each User. A Customer may have multiple Users, and you can merge repeat User records.

Relay Customer Profile 3

  • Map: a visual representation of all Customer Locations. You may search for a Location by address or click on a Location icon. This section also includes Locations of Technicians.

Relay Customer Profile 2

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