Add or import Customers

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

How do I add a Customer to Relay? 

A Customer is also known as a member or merchant.

  1. Go to Customers → Profiles. NOTE: You can also access the Add/Import Customer modal by going to Organizations → Customers or Organizations → Teams and selecting  (Customers) on the left navigation bar of the Orgs/Org Teams modal. 
  2. Click on Add import button.
  3. Select Single Record as the Creation Mode.
  4. Fill out all required fields, marked with Required asterisk button.
  5. For Team Associations, select all the Teams that will be interacting with the Customer.

Relay Add Customer 1

  1. Hit Save & Exit or Save & Add Another.

Relay Add Customer 2

How do I import Customers to Relay?

  1. Go to Customers → Profiles. NOTE: You can also access the Add/Import Customer modal by going to Organizations → Customers or Organizations → Teams and selecting  (Customers) on the left navigation bar of the Orgs/Org Teams modal.
  2. Click on Add import button.
  3. Select CSV Import as the Creation Mode.
  4. Click on Import CSV → Select CSV if your Organization already has a spreadsheet of Customer information. If not, follow these steps: 
    1. Click on Download CSV Template to download the CustomerBulkAdd.csv spreadsheet. This spreadsheet includes Customer information fields to be filled out by the Organization in preparation for import.
    2. Fill out the spreadsheet with new Customers' information.
    3. Return to the Add/Import Customer Modal and click on Import CSV→ Select CSV.
  5. Fill out all required fields, marked with Required asterisk button.
  6. For Team Associations, search for the Teams that will be interacting with the Customer or select them from the drop-down.
  7. Hit Upload & Process.

Relay Import Customers

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