Customize your Organization or System User's Inbox

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

How can I customize my Organization or System User's Inbox?

You can use Inbox Sorting to display Issues in the most convenient order.

You can change Card Field Visibility to customize the Issue cards in your inbox and only see the information most relevant to you.

NOTE: you need Group Admin permissions to use this functionality.


How do I change the Inbox settings? 

To customize your Organization's inbox, go to your Organization's Profile and select Settings button (Additional Settings) on the left navigation bar of the Orgs modal. Scroll down to Inbox Settings. 

To customize a System User's inbox, go to the System User's profile and select Settings button (Additional Settings) on the left navigation bar of the Users modal.

To customize your own User inbox, click on your profile picture or Organization logo in the top right corner of the Relay window and select Settings button (Additional Settings) on your Profile. NOTE: users without Group Admin permissions can also customize their own inboxes.

Relay Inbox Customization 00

Inbox Sorting

  • You can sort both Unclaimed and Mine inbox queue cards using the Inbox Sorting functionality.
  • Select the way(s) you want to sort each Inbox from the drop-down menus.
    • DESC = descending (e.g. highest priority at the top), ASC = ascending (e.g. highest priority on the bottom).
    • Updated = when the Issue was last updated, created = when the Issue was created, priority = pulls from the Priority field on a customer's profile to help move high priority customers to the top of the queue. Learn how to set Customer Issue priority here.

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Card Field Visibility

  • You can choose what information is displayed on the cards in your Inbox by toggling the relevant options in the Card Field Visibility section.
  • By default, all the fields are toggled on and will be shown on your cards. 
  • Issue cards are already customized by source to show fields only relevant to that source (e.g. you only see the SMS number when it’s an SMS Issue).
  • If the information for one of the card fields is not available, that field will not be shown, regardless of Card Field Visibility settings.

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