Create and use Canned Responses in Relay Chats

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

What are canned responses?

Canned Responses allow support agents to respond to customers quicker by selecting pre-made response templates from the canned response menu right in the public chat box.

How do I use canned responses?

  1. Open an Issue.
  2. In the message composer, find the Canned Responses icon and select the response you want to use from the drop-down.
  3. Hit Enter to send the response to the customer.

Relay Canned Responses

How do I add and edit canned responses?

Navigating to Canned Responses

  1. Go to System → Canned Responses to see existing responses.
  2. To add a response, click the Add button.
  3. You can also edit, clone, or delete an existing response.

Relay Canned REsponses 50

Adding canned responses

  • Status: keep the status Active to be able to use the Canned Response. If you mark a response as Deleted, it will not show up on the picklist in an Issue message composer.
  • Name: type the name you want to show up in the Canned Responses drop-down. Agents can type this name in the box to bring up the response quickly so they don’t have to scroll through the picklist.
  • Text: type the text you want to appear in the message composer when you select this response.
  • Don’t forget to hit Save!

Relay Canned Responses

User Tip

  • If your Organization includes multiple Teams with different Canned Responses, start the names of each Team’s Canned Responses with the Team’s name. That way, agents can quickly search for, say, “Support Welcome” or “Business Ops Welcome” responses from the drop-down menu.

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