Understand the Relay messaging panel

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

The messaging panel is located on the right side of the Relay window and is home to the Issues inbox, Team and Bot chatrooms, and Relay notifications. If you do not see the messaging panel to the right of your screen, click on the < (arrow pointing left) to expand it. Hide the messaging panel by clicking on > (arrow pointing right). 

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Learn more about each section of the Relay messaging panel below.

Issues inbox 

You can access the Issues inbox by clicking onScreen Shot 2019-04-01 at 3.03.25 PM.png(Issues Inbox) at the top of the messaging panel.

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The inbox is a convenient place for agents to view and claim Issues. It displays unresolved Issues in real time from all sources. 

The inbox consists of two queues—Unclaimed and Mine. In the Unclaimed queue are all Issues submitted to the Teams you are assigned to that do not yet have a primary owner. In the Mine queue are Issues for which you are the primary owner or collaborating user. You may limit the number of simultaneous Issue cards shown in the agents' Mine inboxes.

Issues in the inbox are displayed as individual Issue cards. These cards can be sorted by Issue updated times and Customer Issue priority. The information displayed on the cards can also be easily customized for your Organization, agents, and yourself.


You can access the chatrooms by clicking onScreen Shot 2019-04-01 at 3.03.32 PM.png(Chat) at the top of the messaging panel.

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The Chat section of the messaging panel allows you to access the chatrooms of your Teams, Bots, Technicians, and Customers, all in the same place. 

Under the Customers tab, you can find chats with Customers from the public and private chats of the Issue modal and Customer Location chats. Under the Teams tab, you can find all your Teams' rooms for agent collaboration and Bot rooms for getting answers from device- or software-specific chatbots. Under the Techs tab, you will be able to communicate with Technicians, who will be chatting in through the ToolBox app. 

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The number next to the Chat icon and tab(s) indicates how many new communications you have missed. The chats with updates will have a number in the top right corner next to their title. 

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You can access your notifications by clicking onScreen Shot 2019-04-01 at 3.03.45 PM.png(Notifications) at the top of the messaging panel.

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The Notifications section of the messaging panel conveniently combines all your Relay notifications in one place. The number next to the Notifications icon and tab(s) indicates how many new notifications you need to review. 

Under the Customers tab, you will find notifications about new activity on Issues and in Customer Location. Under the Teams tab, you will find notifications about chat activity in Team rooms or chat/call invitations. Under the Techs tab, you will find notifications about Technician activity from the ToolBox app.

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