Understand the Issues inbox cards

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

When an Issue is created or claimed, it will appear in the Unclaimed or Mine inbox section in the form of a card that contains important Issue information and allows you to perform basic Issue actions. NOTE: you can customize the order and content of the cards by setting Organization-wide or User-specific inbox sorting rules. You may also limit the number of simultaneous Issue cards shown in agents' Mine inboxes.

Follow the screenshot labels below to understand the anatomy of an inbox card. 

Unclaimed inbox section card

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  1. Issue inbox card buttons, from top to bottom: (NOTE: if you have Group Admin permissions, you can customize the button visibility in your Organization or User's settings)
    • Open/Edit: open your Issue's modal to edit the Issue and perform actions towards its resolution. 
    • Watch: add yourself as a collaborator on the Issue and receive Issue updates as configured in your alert settings.
    • Claim: assign the Issue to yourself. You will be the primary owner of the Issue. 
    • Open Chat: open the Issues chat room in the Messaging panel. You can use this option to open the chat without opening the Issues modal.
  2. Customer and Issue information: shows information about the Customer, Issue, and related Teams. If you have Group Admin permissions, you can customize which information is shown on the cards.  
  3. Issue source icon: the channel where the Issue originated. 
  4. Issue Reference ID: unique 6-character Issue identifier. You can use it to search for the Issue in Issues List and provide it to Customers so they can follow up on Issues. 
  5. Time since created: counts the time since the Issue was created. The counter color changes to orange after 5 minutes and to red after 10 minutes.

Mine inbox section card

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  1. Issue inbox card buttons, from top to bottom: (NOTE: if you have Group Admin permissions, you can customize the button visibility in your Organization or User's settings)
    • Open/Edit: open your Issue's modal to edit the Issue and perform actions towards its resolution. 
    • Snooze: opens the Issue snooze window.
    • Watch: add yourself as a collaborator on the Issue and receive Issue updates as configured in your alert settings.
    • Open Chat: open the Issues chat room in the Messaging panel. You can use this option to open the chat without opening the Issues modal.
  2. Customer and Issue information: shows information about the Customer, Issue, and its related Teams. If you have Group Admin permissions, you can customize which information is shown on the cards.  
  3. Issue source icon: the channel where the Issue originated. 
  4. Issue Reference ID: unique 6-character Issue identifier. You can use it to search for the Issue in Issues List and provide it to Customers so they can follow up on Issues. 
  5. Time since created: counts the time since the Issue was created. The counter color changes to orange after 5 minutes and to red after 10 minutes.

Issues inbox card colors

On some Issue cards, you will also see a yellow-, orange- or green-colored bar at the top. 

  • A yellow bar (State: Bot Active) is used for Issue chats with a Bot. As long as the user is interacting with the Bot, the bar will alert the support agent to not jump into the Issue. 

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  • Once the user hits a Bot end topic or presses a Speak to Agent button, the bar will turn orange (State: Interaction Required) and the agents can begin interacting with the Customer. An orange bar also signifies an Issue update, such as the addition of Issue details or a new message in Issue Private or Public Chat. NOTE: if a Bot auto-resolves the Issue right in the chat, the Issue card with an orange bar will disappear from the inbox.

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  • A green bar (State: Agent Active) shows up when an agent is active in the Issue chat with the Customer, but has not yet claimed the Issue (Unclaimed inbox section only). 

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