Understand Issue statuses

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

As the Issue goes through the workflow from Preparing to Closed (or Canceled), it changes status as described below. Only Issues of types Work Order and Training can have the statuses of Scheduling, Scheduled, In Progress, and Pending Close.

  : the Issue has been submitted, but has not been claimed by or assigned to anyone. Read about sources of Issue submissions here.

 : a Relay User has claimed the Customer’s Issue.

Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 10.10.21 AM.png: the Issue includes a sub-Issue that has not been resolved. 

 : (Work Order and Training Issue types) the onsite work or training is in the process of being scheduled.

 : (Work Order and Training Issue types) the onsite work or training has been scheduled. You can now view the scheduled time in Issues → Calendar.

 : (Work Order and Training Issue types) the training is in progress or the technician is currently working onsite.

 : (Work Order and Training Issue types) generally, this means the Issue requires the submission of billing info.

 : the Customer’s Issue has been resolved, but not yet fully closed out, likely because the agent is waiting for a completed customer survey or billing information (the latter is for Work Order Issue type only).

 : the Issue has been fully completed.

  : the Issue has been cancelled by an agent or Customer. An Issue may be canceled by an agent because the Customer has left the chat or made the Issue erroneously. The Customer may cancel the Issue in  webConnect.

 : the Issue has been escalated and the Issue card in Issues → List has been highlighted in red. NOTE: unless de-escalated, an escalated Issue will remain highlighted red even after its resolution.

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