NOTE: all functions described below are only accessible to System Users with Group Admin permissions.
System Users are technicians or partners. Partners can access Relay to support Customers. Technicians generally use the ToolBox mobile application instead of Relay, but their records are still stored as System Users.
General Icons
: switch between minimized System User modals. Press Shift and click on the name of the minimized record in the dropdown to remove it from the open modals list:
: close a System User modal.
: minimize a System User modal.
Partner System User
(Profile): view and edit basic User information and qualifications. Manage the User's password or lock their account. Grant the User Group Admin or Edit Knowledge Base permissions. Include the User in daily digest notifications (under Daily Digest).
(Teams): view and edit the Team(s) the User is associated with. Add a new Team to your Organization. NOTE: the System User will not be automatically assigned to the newly added Team.
(Alerts): configure User alerts or choose to use the User Team's alert configuration.
(Additional Settings): customize the User's inbox.
Technician System User
(Profile): view and edit basic User information and qualifications. Manage the User's password or lock their account. Grant the User Group Admin permissions.
(Teams): view and edit the Team(s) the User is associated with. Add a new Team to your Organization. NOTE: the System User will not be automatically assigned to the newly added Team.
(Alerts): configure User alerts or choose to use the User Team's alert configuration.
: configure technician qualifications and upload their certificate of insurance.
(Issues): view Issues assigned to the technician.