View Issue conversation transcripts

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

Issue conversation transcripts are a record of Issue interactions with the Customer in the public chatroom and with other agents in the private chatroom (if applicable). Below are examples of public and private transcripts.

Public Chat transcript

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Private Chat transcript

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How can I view Issue conversation transcripts?

  1. Open your Issue. 
  2. On the left navigation bar of the Issues modal, go to (Files).
  3. You will see one or two PDF transcript documents, depending on whether you used Private Chat while working on the Issue or not. Typically, the transcripts will be titled in the format [Issue Reference ID]_public.pdf and [Issue Reference ID]_private.pdf. 

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  1. Click on one of the documents. In the window that pops up, select DOWNLOAD. Once the download has completed, you can browse for and open the file on your computer.

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