Build a Customer Location Team associations ecosystem

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

Based on the needs and technology of the Customer, Relay allows multiple Teams from different Organizations to assist the same merchant Location, creating an extensive Team ecosystem for that Location. A Team ecosystem is helpful for Customer Locations with Technology provided by different Organizations—for example, printers provided by one company and POS stations by another. Different Organizations can address different types of Customer concerns around the Technology the Organization provides—for example, separate Organizations can address billing and network questions, and other Organizations can assist with specific device questions.

To add associated Teams to a Customer Location:

  1. Go to Customers → Locations. Select the Location you want to associate with new Team(s) and double click on it or click on Pencil to open it. 
  2. On the right side (Location Information) of the Customer Locations modal, find the Team Associations field. 
  3. Select a Team from the dropdown to add a Team assignment. Click on X to delete a Team assignment. 

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