How do I add a folder to my Knowledge Base?
- From the main navigation menu on the left, go to Knowledge Base.
- Select
in the top right corner of the Knowledge Base modal.
- Fill out the following fields:
- Folder Name: type the name of your folder, visible both internally in Relay and to your customers if public.
- Description: (optional) describe the contents of your folder. This description will show up in your internal KB folder list view and externally in the KB.
- Keywords: (optional) add key words or phrases that can be used to search for the folder. Keywords can also be used by Concierge Bots to search for information in the KB.
- (optional) Upload KB topic avatar: learn more here.
- Configure folder settings:
- Folder URL: type the URL for users to access the folder or click Generate from title for Relay to generate the URL for you. You can edit this URL later.
- Published: select Published or Draft.
- Published: visible to everyone who has permissions to view the folder.
- Draft: visible only to the users who are allowed to edit the folder.
- Ecosystem Access: select Public or Private.
- Public: accessible to everyone (outside of Relay), including anonymous access.
- Private: accessible to (authenticated) users within the Owner Org(s), optionally limited by Team Access. You will see additional fields below Ecosystem Access when you select this access option.
- Org(s): Organizations in your ecosystem that you give access to view this folder. Selecting more than one Organization creates an ecosystem of shared knowledge among partners.
- Team Access: (optional) if left empty, users from all of the above Organizations' Teams will be able to view the folder. If you select Teams from the dropdown, only users from those Teams will have access.
- Editor Users: (optional) select users who will have access to view and edit this folder regardless of user permission or Team Access. NOTE: if you leave this field empty, only users with Knowledge Base permissions who are within the folder Ecosystem Access will be able to edit the folder.
- Searchable (by bots): toggle on if you would like Bots to be able to search for this folder to provide responses to users. NOTE: make sure to include keywords in your folder settings for the Bot to be able to search it.
- Technology: (optional) select technologies associated with the folder from the dropdown. This will link the folder to the technology index, which will allow Relay to suggest relevant articles on the issues.
- Hit Save or Save & Exit. Once you save the folder, a
button will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click on it to see how the folder will appear to your Customers.
How do I add a sub-folder to one of my Knowledge Base folders?
- From the main navigation menu on the left, go to Knowledge Base.
- Click on a folder title.
- Select
in the top right corner of the Knowledge Base modal.
- Follow steps 3-6 of adding a new folder to your Knowledge Base. After you hit Save, the sub-folder will appear in folder list view in the parent folder. NOTE: if you do not see the sub-folder, make sure you are viewing the folder, rather than the article, list. See how to change the list view in the screenshot below.