Add files to Bot topics

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

NOTE: you can only use this functionality if you have the Train Bots permission. Please email to get the permission.

Relay allows users to add PDFs, images, GIFs, videos, and other files to Bot topics. Here’s how:

  1. From the main navigation menu on the left, go to Bots > Bots. Find your Bot and click on pencil icon` (Pencil) to edit it.
  2. On the left navigation bar of the Bot modal, go to  Bot Topics button (Topics).
  3. Double click on your topic or click pencil icon` (Pencil) to edit it. You may also add buttona new topic.
  4. Scroll down to the Text field in the Bots Topics modal. Click on Attach button (Attach).

Relay Add Bot Files 1

  1. Click Select File(s) and choose a file to attach to the topic. You may choose images, PDFs, GIFs, videos etc.
  2. File Type: select Bot Asset.
  3. Click Upload File(s).

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A token with the file name will be added to the end of the Text field for the topic. Do not delete this token—without it, the image/file will not appear in the bot response.

NOTE: You can only add one Bot Asset token per Bot message. To add multiple Bot Asset tokens to a single Bot topic, break it up into multiple messages using the NEXT token.

Relay Add Bot Files

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