Set up and use a Knowledge Bot

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

How can I use a Knowledge Bot? 

Knowledge Bots provide information about specific devices or software. You can build them out with short informational topics or embed articles from your Organization's Relay Knowledge Base. Knowledge Bots can be used internally in Relay Team chatrooms, or externally by Customers after a Concierge to Knowledge Bot hand-off. Knowledge Bot topics can also be made searchable by Concierge Bots.

Learn how to map a Bot for use in a Relay Team chatroom here and how to interact with Knowledge Bots in Relay here.

Learn how to set up a Concierge to Knowledge Bot hand-off for Connect/webConnect here.

NOTE: you can only edit Knowledge Bots if you have the Train Bots permission. Please email to get the permission.

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How do I set up a Knowledge Bot?

NOTE: these instructions refer only to the basic Bot setup. To learn how to add topics to the Bot, click here.

  1. From the main navigation menu on the left, go to Bots > Bots.
  2. Click add buttonto add a new Bot.

Bot Profile

In the Add Bot modal, go through the following fields:

  1. Code Type: select Concierge (for Knowledge Bot). This indicates the type of Bot you're building.
  2. Object: select Global or Org. Global Bots are accessible to all Boomtown Organizations. Org Bots are accessible only to specified Organizations.
  3. Org: specify what Organization(s) will be able to use the Bot. This field only shows when you select Org as the object.
  4. Name: choose a name for your Bot. This name will show up in chats with the user.
  5. Nickname: (auto-populated, editable) based on the name. Use #[nickname] to queue Bots in chatrooms where more than one Bot is present.
  6. Description: (optional) describe the purpose of your Bot.

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  1. Default Priority: priority refers to the order in which Bots are queued in chatrooms with multiple Bots present. Choose 1 or 2 for a Knowledge Bot you will use in internal Relay chatrooms and 50 for a Knowledge Bot you will use in Connect/webConnect (learn more about Concierge to Knowledge Bot hand-offs for Connect/webConnect here).
    • Example (in Relay chatroom): Bot 1 (priority 1) and Bot 2 (priority 2) are in the same chatroom and can both respond  to "hello." However, when a user types “hello,” Only Bot 1 (priority 1) will respond. Bot 2 can still respond to “hello” if the user types #[nickname of Bot 2].
  2. Language: choose between English, Spanish, or Japanese.
  3. Time Zone: choose your time zone from the drop-down or type it in the form [Country/City].
  4. Status: choose between Active, Inactive, or Deleted. By default, a new Bot is Active.

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  1. Score Frequency: (optional) set to 1 to display thumbs up/down rating buttons after each Bot response.
  2. Group: select None for Knowledge Bot or leave blank.
  3. Device Type(s): (optional) for Knowledge Bots associated with a device or software, search for that device or software in the Technology Dictionary records. If you do not find your device or software, email to create a Technology Dictionary record for it. 

Once you have filled out all the required fields on the Bot Profile, hit Save to continue the Bot setup.

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Code Configuration

In the Add Bot modal, scroll down to Code Configuration. Fill out the following fields:

NOTE: some fields are labeled (Connect/webConnect). These fields only need to be filled if your Knowledge Bot will be used in Connect/webConnect. For Knowledge Bots used in internal Relay chatrooms, (Connect/webConnect) fields can be left empty. Learn more about Concierge to Knowledge Bot hand-offs in Connect/webConnect here.

  1. Bot Prioritization: specify keywords that will prioritize your Bot in multi-Bot chatrooms.
  2. Default Conversation Timeout: specify the number of milliseconds the Bot will wait before timing out.
  3. Default Conversation Timeout Response: type the statement that the Bot will display at timeout.
  4. Default Topic Response Timeout: set to 0.
  5. Device Announcement Topic Key: (Connect/webConnect) enter the key of your Bot's greeting topic. This topic will display automatically after a Concierge to Knowledge Bot hand-off in Connect/webConnect.
    • To find the topic key, go to Bot Topics button (Topics) → search for "greeting" → select pencil icon`(Edit) or double-click on the topic to open it → copy the key at the top of the Bot Topics modal
  6. Device DET-Button Topic Key: (Connect/webConnect) enter the key of the topic that you want to be invoked when a user clicks the Speak to Agent button.
  7. Device End Topic Key: (Connect/webConnect) enter the key of the topic that will confirm whether the Bot's answer has resolved a user's Issue.

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  1. Device Exit Topic Key: (Connect/webConnect) enter the key of the topic that will cause the Bot to leave the conversation when it has resolved a user's Issue. This topic is set with the EMPTY token as its text field.
  2. Device-Bot-End Button Label: (Connect/webConnect) type the label you want to appear on the Speak to Agent button.
  3. Fall-back Question: enter a topic key (formatted as topic:[topic key]) or a text response to display when the Bot is unable to find an answer.
  4. Maximum Number of Classifications: specify the maximum number of topics the Bot can display based on a user's text input. The most relevant topic will be presented as the answer, and the other topics as related answers. If you do not want to display related answers, set this to 0. You can adjust how many related responses are shown by setting the Maximum Number of Classifications in the Bot Profile. For example, if you want 4 related responses to be displayed, set the Maximum Number of Classifications to 4. This is useful for when you have multiple topics with overlapping keywords (e.g. topics that all have “add” as a keyword).
  5. Multi-Message Response Timing (delay per 100-chars): specify number of seconds between messages in a multi-message response. NOTE: to create a multi-message Bot response/topic, use the NEXT token
  6. Outbound conversation text prefix: specify whether or not the Bot will address the user by their name at the beginning of each message. If you want the Bot to address the user by their name, set this field toScreen Shot 2019-04-18 at 10.25.59 AM.png.
  7. Thumbs-Up Follow-up Response: set a topic (formatted as topic:[topic key]) or a text response to display after a user has voted thumbs-up on a Bot response.
  8. Thumbs-Down Follow-up Response: set a topic (formatted as topic:[topic key]) or a text response to display after a user has voted thumbs-up on a Bot response.

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Service Control

Once you have filled out the Bot Profile, you can start your Bot. But first, look through the following fields:

  1. State: (auto-populated) changes to Online after you press START.
  2. Run Command: set to Automatic so the Bot will automatically attempt to restart itself when it unexpectedly crashes.
  3. Log Level: set to Information.

Hard reset the Knowledge Bot before testing:

  1. Go to Bot profile button (Bot Profile) on the left navigation bar of the Bot modal and scroll down to the Service Control section.
  2. Hit STOP and START.

NOTE: STOP-START before you test the Bot for the first time AND after each edit to see the changes appear in real-time in a chat conversation.

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