Understand Issue types

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

Relay displays Issue type in Issues List with a colored bar on the left side of the Issue record (in grid view). It allows agents to easily identify what the Customer needs and prioritize the Issues accordingly. You can also filter the Issues List by Issue type.

Learn about Issue statuses here and Issue source icons here.

NOTE: you can quickly identify the Issue type by the color of the bar next to it in Issues List grid view, or hover over the bar to read the type.

Relay Issue Type  Support: the most common type of Issue. Support Issues can be resolved by agents in Relay, without the need to call in a technician. They can be about technological errors or simply account, how-to, or setting configuration questions. Support Issues can be created automatically through, for example, webConnect, or added manually by agents.

Relay Issue Type 3 Training: a training is a long (~90 mins), deep-dive meeting with the Customer about their new technology. This Issue type also includes activations, which are shorter, introductory meetings with the Customer. You can schedule trainings and activations in Relay using the online schedulers

Relay Issue Type 4 Work Order: an Issue that requires a technician to be dispatched on site. These include technology installations and fixes.

Relay Issue Type 2 Network Monitoring: includes Issues automatically created by the Sense network monitoring device. Sense can alert agents about hardware or software Issues so agents can contact the Customers proactively.

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