Setting Team hours of operation displays the Team availability status and is used by Concierge Bots to determine when to display away messages. During hours of operation, or if you do not set the hours of operation, the Team status will always show as Available at the top right corner of the Team profile.
Go to Organizations → Teams and select your Team.
- Select
(Additional Settings) on the left navigation bar of the Org Teams modal.
- Fill out the following fields:
- Time Zone: select your time zone from the drop-down or search for it in the form [Country/City].
- Availability Periods: type the times when your team is active, formatted as
- M-F:9-17
- M,W:9-17
- M,W:9-17; T,TH,FR:9-19
- M-F:9-17; Sa-Su:9-14
- Unavailable Summary: (optional) type the phrase that will appear on the Team availability status outside Team hours of operation. If you leave this field blank, text from the Availability Periods field will be displayed instead.
- Hit Save. The text from the Availability Periods or Unavailable Summary fields will now be visible on the Team Profile (
) outside Team hours of operation. Refresh the Team profile page for the changes to take effect.