Use Relay global search

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

The Relay global search allows you to easily locate records of multiple types from the same search bar that is always available at the top right corner of the Relay window. You can search by Issue Reference ID, name, email, address, Knowledge Base article title, etc. Just enter your search term and press Enter. You will see results from all Relay pages that contain that term. Click on the [Page name]: View results to see all results in each category.

In the example below, the user searched for the name "janey" and got results for Customer Users, Users, and Issues with the Owner User Janey Doey. They can scroll down the page to view more results, including results in other categories, such as Customer Locations or Knowledge Base. 

NOTE: if you use this search function while in the Knowledge Base, you will only get KB results—articles and folders. 

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