Set up the Zendesk Integration

Last Updated: May 22, 2020

The Zendesk Integration allows you to push Relay Issues into your Zendesk instance. This allows you to get updates on tickets without logging into Relay.

  1. Go to Organizations → Teams and search for your Team.
  2. Double click on the Team or click the pencil icon` (Pencil) icon next to it.
  3. On the left navigation bar of the Org Teams modal, go to  (Integrations).
  4. Select add button to open the Integration Setup modal.
  5. Fill out the following fields:
    • Type: select Zendesk from the dropdown.
    • Name: type the name you want to be displayed in the internal list of your Team's Integrations.
    • Description: (optional) type the description of your Zendesk Integration.
    • Status: select Enabled from the dropdown.
    • Subdomain enter your subdomain name. For example, if your subdomain is, enter partner in the field.
    • Auto Case Creation: select your preference for auto-creating Issues.
    • Custom Fields: select Yes if you would like to integrate with custom fields in Zendesk. You will see a list appear below. Enter the ID(s) for the custom Zendesk field(s) which you want to receive data from Relay. 
      • The following Zendesk custom fields can be integrated with Relay: category, Issue ID, owner, resolution, type, name, IDR Issue, IDR Diagnosis, IDR Resolution, parent ID, source, equipment tags, support tags, device.
  6. Hit Save or Save & Exit. You will be redirected to an external Zendesk page to complete the Integration authorization. 
  7. Click Allow on the external page to complete the Integration setup.

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