Set up the Slack Integration

Last Updated: December 28, 2020

The Slack integration allows users in the Boomtown platform to chat with others via a Slack channel to maximize efficiency by eliminating the need to log-in to the platform for each communication.

If you wish to download these instructions, click here.

Follow the instructions below to set up your Slack integration with the Boomtown Platform:

1.  After logging into the Boomtown Platform, click on your user icon in the upper right, then click on Settings:

2. From the settings menu, click on Integrations:

3. Scroll down until you see Add New Team Messaging. Click on Configure under Slack Messaging.

4. Fill out the following profile fields:

  • Type: select Slack Messaging from the dropdown.
  • Name: type the name you want to be displayed in the list of your Team's Integrations.
  • Description: (optional) type the description of your Slack Integration.
  • Status: select Enabled from the dropdown.

5. Click Save to continue setting up the Integration. A new tab or window should pop up in your web browser.

Select the Slack channel you would like messages from Boomtown to appear from the dropdown menu under 
Where should Boomtown post?

The channel you select needs to be a public channel. Private channels are not supported by the Boomtown integration at this time.

6. Click Allow. The page that loads next will include the steps and important settings necessary to set up the integration on Slack. Click on the link provided in Step 1 to activate the outgoing Slack webhooks:

7. A new tab or window should pop up in your web browser. Click on Add to Slack:

8. Click on Add Outgoing WebHooks Integration:

9. Scroll down to Integration Settings. Select the Slack channel you would like messages from Boomtown to appear from the dropdown menu next to Channel. This should be the same channel you selected in step 5 of these instructions:

The channel you select needs to be a public channel. Private channels are not supported by the Boomtown integration at this time.

10. Make sure to leave the field next to Trigger Word(s) blank. This will make sure all messages are delivered to your Boomtown chat room. 

11. Go back to the tab or window in your web browser with the integration instructions listed. Copy the entire URL listed under Step 3: Integration Settings and paste it next to URL(s) in the tab or window with the Slack Integration Settings open:

Boomtown Integration Instructions:

Slack Integration Settings:

12. All of the remaining fields are optional and should not affect message delivery. When you are ready to continue, click on Save Settings at the bottom of the page:

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